
Travel Information

Jianshui 1-Night 2-Day Tour

朱家花园:是清末乡绅朱渭卿兄弟建造的家宅和宗祠,占地2万多平方米,主体建筑呈“纵四横三”布局,是建水典型的“三间六耳三间厅,一大天井附四小天井”式传统民居的变通组合体。 以其精美的建筑、丰富的空间景观和独特的“迷宫式”建筑群而闻名,被誉为“西南边陲大观园”。
Zhu Family Garden: Built the brothers Zhu Weiqing, local gentry, during the late Qing Dynasty, this residence and ancestral hall covers over 20,000 square meters. The main buildings are laid out in a "longitudinal four and horizontal three" arrangement, a variation of the traditional Jianshui residential layout of "three rooms with six ears, three main halls, one large patio with four small patios." Renowned for its exquisite architecture, rich spatial landscape, and unique "maze-like" building complex, it is often referred to as the "Grand View Garden of the Southwest Border."

双龙桥:俗称“十七孔桥”,是座三阁十七孔大石拱桥。清乾隆年间先建三孔,道光年间又建十四孔与之相连,因此俗称 “十七孔桥”。 桥中建有三层楼阁,两端各有亭阁一座。
Shuanglong Bridge: Commonly known as the "Seventeen-Arch Bridge," this large stone arch bridge consists of three pavilions and seventeen arches. Initially, three arches were constructed during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, and fourteen more were added during the Daoguang period, thus the nickname "Seventeen-Arch Bridge." The bridge features a three-story pavilion in the middle and pavilions at each end.

建水古城小火车:起点位于临安站,整个车站的装修、车厢的装饰和服务员的衣着很有特色,非常有历史氛围,在这拍照留念很是不错。坐上旅游小火车,线路两侧的景色随四季而异: 春天可以欣赏到大片的油菜花,夏天有碧绿的秧苗,秋天有金黄的稻谷,冬天可以看到波光粼粼的水田。
Jianshui Ancient Town Small Train: Starting at Lin'an Station, this train journey offers a historical ambiance with distinctive station decorations, carriage interiors, and staff uniforms. It is an excellent spot for photos. The scenic views along the train route vary with the seasons: vast fields of rapeseed flowers in spring, lush green seedlings in summer, golden rice fields in autumn, and shimmering water fields in winter.

Day1 地点:昆明-建水          用餐:早中晚         住宿:建水古城
Kunming to Jianshui         Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner        Accommodation: Jianshui Ancient Town
Depart from Kunming University of Science and Technology and head to the ancient cultural city of Jianshui, known for its rich history and numerous historical sites. Upon arrival, visit the Chaoyang Tower (exterior view), which was built 28 years earlier than Tiananmen in Beijing. Explore the Jianshui Ancient Town (approximately 40 minutes) and the Zhu Family Garden, a Qing Dynasty residence known as the "Grand View Garden of Southwest Border" (approximately 1 hour). Continue to the Jianshui Confucian Temple, the largest local Confucian temple in China (approximately 1 hour). After the tours, check into the hotel.
Day2 地点:建水-昆明          用餐:早中
Jianshui to Kunming          Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
After breakfast, head to Lin'an Station and take the small train to experience the century-old Yunnan-Vietnam Railway, specifically the Ge-Bi-Lin-Ping Railway. Visit the Shuanglong Bridge (approximately 30 minutes), one of China's top ten ancient bridges. Continue to the Xianghuiqiao Station, a French-style train station (approximately 30 minutes). Arrive at Tuanshan Station and explore the Tuanshan Residential Complex, a group of late Qing Dynasty residential buildings (approximately 1.5 hours), to appreciate the characteristics of traditional Chinese folk architecture. After lunch, visit Zitao Street (approximately 30 minutes). The trip concludes with a transfer back to Kunming.
Included Costs
1. 住宿:全程入住指定酒店
Accommodation: Check in designated hotels throughout the trip
Tickets: Admission tickets for the listed attractions.
3. 用餐:1早3正
Meals: 1 breakfast and 3 main meals
4. 用车:根据人数用车,确保一人一座
Transportation: Transportation based on the number of participants, ensuring one seat per person
5. 导游:持证导游带团
Guide: Certified tour guide services
6. 保险:旅行社责任险、意外险
Insurance: Travel agency liability insurance and accident insurance

联系人:阮学超13769450880, 陆艳18987322918
Contacts: Xuechao Ruan 13769450880, Yan Lu 18987322918

Puzhehei 1-Night 2-Day Tour

探寻剧《三生三世十里桃花》-----徒步游览菜花箐: 菜花箐是《三生三世十里桃花》的拍摄地。菜花箐是一处湿地公园,风光旖旎,配置影视桃花道具,把周边景色映衬得更有诗意,青丘美地,众上神青睐的人间仙境。 小湖山峦,绿植倒映,别样的景致似山水丹青画,养目悦人。
Exploring the Filming Location of "Eternal Love" — Hiking through Caihuaqing: Caihuaqing is a picturesque wetland park that served as the filming location for the drama "Eternal Love." The park's enchanting scenery, enhanced with artificial peach blossom props, creates a poetic and dreamy landscape. Resembling the mythical land of Qingqiu, , it is a paradise on earth beloved by deities. The reflections of small lakes, surrounding mountains, and lush greenery offer a unique and serene beauty, akin to a traditional Chinese landscape painting, providing a feast for the eyes and soothing the soul.

柳叶小舟,作为普者黑一道独特的风景线,更是吸引了无数游客前来体验。 柳叶小舟,因其形似柳叶而得名,是普者黑当地特有的一种小船。 让你在欣赏美景的同时,感受到水上活动的快乐。
The Willow Leaf Boat is another unique attraction that draws numerous visitors. Named for its resemblance to a willow leaf, is a kind of small boat unique to Puzhehei,this small boat offers a delightful water activity experience as you take in the scenic views.

普者黑:是座五千口人家的彝族撒尼人村落。土坯瓦舍与白瓷楼房,交错相间,展示着人们生活变化的先后步履。 一个远在西南边疆的神秘之地,生长着快乐,释放着欢乐。一方人性的山水,普者黑!
Puzhehei: A Yi ethnic Sani village with a population of about 5,000. The adobe houses and white porcelain buildings are interlaced, showing the steps of people's life changes. A mysterious place far away in the southwest border, where happiness grows and joy is released. Puzhehei is a landscape of humanity!

Day1 地点:昆明-丘北      用餐:晚      住宿:丘北县城或普者黑景区
Kunming to Qiubei      Meals: Dinner      Accommodation: Qiubei County or Puzhehei Scenic Area
Depart from Kunming to Qiubei, arriving at the Puzhehei Scenic Area. Hike through Caihuaqing to explore the filming location of "Eternal Love" (approximately 1 hour, horse carriage fee not included). From the mountain, enjoy panoramic views of isolated peaks, misty surroundings, shimmering lakes and smoke from local kitchens below the mountain, creating a dreamy pastoral landscape. Later, take a Willow Leaf Boat ride (approximately 2.5 hours) through the clear lake filled with lotus flowers. Engage in a fun water fight while enjoying the scenic beauty of the 20,000 acres of lotus ponds and the 165 square kilometers of the main scenic area. You can experience the leisurely and contented time when the lotus is in full bloom. The local ethnic minorities are warm and simple. Whenever they encounter an oncoming boat, they will have a friendly "water fight". The clear lake water jumps in the blink of an eye, and you are instantly back to the "wild" time of childhood. After the boat ride, check into the hotel for rest.
Day2 地点:丘北-昆明      用餐:早中
Qiubei to Kunming      Meals: Breakfast, Lunch
After breakfast, visit Xianren Cave Village, an ecological Yi village, to learn about Yi culture and enjoy the picturesque countryside scenery akin to Guilin. You can fish by the river or catch crayfish with friends while exploring the Yi village. The trip concludes with a transfer back to Kunming.
Included Costs
1. 【交通】空调旅游车
Transportation: Air-conditioned tour bus
2. 【景点】行程所列景点首道门票(不含小门票、景区交通、船等),导游可根据实际情况调整景点顺序,景点数不减
Attractions: First entrance tickets to the listed attractions (excluding minor tickets, scenic transportation, boats, etc.); the guide may adjust the order of attractions as necessary without reducing the number of attractions
3. 【餐饮】3正,十人一桌,(不含酒水)
Meals: Three main meals, with ten people per table (excluding beverages)
Excluded Costs
1. 自由活动期间交通费、餐费、电瓶车费等私人费用。
Personal expenses during free activities, including transportation fees, meal fees, and electric vehicle fees.
2. 游客自行购买商品的消费。
Purchases made by tourists.
3. 如遇自然灾害、动车晚点/停运等不可抗力事件,以及非旅行社责任造成的意外情形所产生的额外损失、费用,需由客人自理。
In case of force majeure events such as natural disasters, train delays/suspensions, and other unforeseen circumstances beyond the travel agency's control, the guest will bear any additional losses and expenses.

联系人:阮学超13769450880, 陆艳18987322918
Contacts: Xuechao Ruan 13769450880, Yan Lu 18987322918

Stone Forest and Jiuxiang 1-Day Tour

云南石林国家地质公园是1984年国务院批准的首批国家级重点风景名胜区之一,位于云南省路南彝族自治县,距昆明86公里, 其主要地质遗迹类型为岩溶地质地貌,2001年3月被国土资源部授予首批国家地质公园称号。
Yunnan Stone Forest National Geopark was among the first batch of national key scenic spots approved by the State Council in 1984. Located in Lunan Yi Autonomous County, 86 kilometers from Kunming, its main geological feature is karst landforms. In March 2001, it was designated as one of the first national geoparks by the Ministry of Land and Resources.

The Stone Forest is one of the most typical karst landforms in the world, with towering peaks, jagged rocks and a variety of scenery. Even travelers who have visited all the tourist attractions in the world cannot help but be amazed when they come here, so people call the Stone Forest "the first wonder in the world" - the Phoenix Spreading Its Wings.

阿诗玛是云南彝族神话传说里的一个聪颖美丽的姑娘,她与阿黑哥坚贞的爱情家喻户晓,上世纪六十年代拍摄的电影《阿诗玛》更是让阿诗玛故事传遍海内外,美丽的阿诗玛更是深入人心。 那座形似阿诗玛的石林是石林风景区著名的景点,也是人们怀念阿诗玛、重温那个美丽传说的好地方。
Ashima is a legendary and beautiful girl in Yi mythology, known for her steadfast love with Ahei. The story became widely known through the 1960s film "Ashima," which spread the legend across China and abroad. The stone formation resembling Ashima in the Stone Forest Scenic Area is a famous spot where people remember her and relive the beautiful legend.

Filming Location for "Joy of Life"

Yunnan Jiuxiang Scenic Area
Day1 地点:昆明-石林      用餐:午     
Kunming to Stone Forest      Meals: Lunch
08:30-09:30 指定地点乘车前往国家5A级【石林风景名胜区】(车程约1小时),游览景区(游览时间2.5小时左右)游览大、小石林(石林湖、石屏风、石林胜景、千钧一发、望峰亭、猫石、莲花池、阿诗玛化身等)。
Depart from the designated location and head to the 5A-rated Stone Forest Scenic Area (about 1 hour by car). Explore the scenic area for approximately 2.5 hours, visiting major attractions such as the Big and Small Stone Forest, Stone Forest Lake, Stone Screen, Stone Forest Scenery, Narrow Escape, Wangfeng Pavilion, Cat Stone, Lotus Pool, and the Ashima Incarnation.
Enjoy lunch at a local restaurant.
13:30-15:00 前往4A级【九乡风景名胜区】游览荫翠峡、惊魂峡、雄狮大厅、仙人洞、雌雄瀑、神田、彝家寨、地下倒石林、乘坐九乡旅游索道。
Head to the 4A-rated Jiuxiang Scenic Area. Tour the Green Gorge, Thrilling Gorge, Lion Hall, Fairy Cave, Male and Female Waterfalls, Shentian, Yi Village, Underground Stone Forest, and take the Jiuxiang tourist cableway.
17:00-18:30 乘车返回指定地点(行车1.5小时左右)结束愉快行程!
Return to the designated location by bus (about 1.5 hours) and conclude the delightful journey.
Included Costs
1. 用车:旅游空调大巴车(车型不定,保证一人一正座)
Transportation: Tourist air-conditioned bus (type of vehicle not fixed, ensuring one seat per person)
2. 住房:当天往返,无住宿
Accommodation: No accommodation as it is a one-day round trip
3. 用餐:全程含一正餐
Meals: One main meal included
4. 门票:行程所列景点首道大门票
Tickets: Admission tickets for the first entrance of the attractions listed in the itinerary
5. 保险:保险:旅行社责任险
Insurance: Travel agency liability insurance.
Excluded Costs
1. 行程中不含的景点门票
Tickets for attractions not listed in the itinerary.
2. 客人各地往返的大交通费用(机票、火车票)
The guests' travel expenses (air tickets, train tickets)
3. 游玩过程中的个人消费(购买明信片、与民族合影、当地特产等)
Personal purchases during the tour (purchasing postcards, taking photos with local people, local specialties, etc.).
4. 不含旅游人身意外险(建议购买) Personal travel accident insurance (recommended to purchase).

联系人:阮学超13769450880, 陆艳18987322918
Contacts: Xuechao Ruan 13769450880, Yan Lu 18987322918

Important Dates
Submission Deadline March 25, 2024 April 8, 2024
Notification of Acceptance May 1, 2024 May 8, 2024
Final Version Due May 12, 2024 May 20, 2024
Conference July 19-21, 2024
